What a year!

Dec 31, 2010 20:38

After the unremitting awfulness that was 2009 I was sure 2010 had to be better. Doing the end-of-year accounting I think that it was a better year in that the good and bad things were in almost perfect balance but OMFG what a lot of things there were in my year.

There were some really rough things like Ferdi growing out of Playcentre (and therefore making trouble there) several terms before he was old enough for school, Jamie's work situation becoming untenable, the ill-health of several family members, three weeks of flu that made me miss the LLL conference, and the September 4 earthquake but possibly the hardest was saying goodbye to our precious Hermes who was diagnosed with renal failure in April and died in August on the first anniversary of Jamie's sister's death. I miss my beautiful boy: the way he said "mmmrap" when he came in, the way he burrowed under the newspaper, the way he would try to balance his whole self on one of my feet.

Some things got easier: Ferdi started school and settled in immediately and Jamie quit his job which was both terrifying and freeing.

I declared 2010 to be the year of saying "yes" to good things and so, instead of being sensible and frugal we saw The Pixies and Joseph & his Technicolour Dreamcoat and The Nutcracker and Queensland (and a python called Oliver).

Best of all this year dealt me a lot of wonderful people. Some dear old friends have come back into my life after far too long an absence, I've gotten to know some awesome people through school and the internet has introduced me to so very many bright, fascinating, feisty, challenging, gorgeous people and some of the people of the web are now friends in the real world. It can be scary to say "yes" to walking into a bar to meet someone you only know online but, oh lordy, am I glad I did.

eqnz, kids, new year, friends, hermes

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