
Jul 20, 2007 13:02

i want to kill everything around me.
i can't stand to be here anymore... an do they really think they can cut everyone off from me?
its my life not theirs.

if someone reads this and tell them...
go die eating a lemon.

cause i don't care anymore.
i have just a few more months and i'll be all good.

Honestly the understanding isn't there, and when i leave will you appreciate me?
Are you trying to push me away..? because you are... and i don't think you understand that.
i am not "friends with the devil" as you said.
i love god, and you don't know what i mean or who i am.

Just stop before it gets to far.
Let me live, experience and go through MY LIFE.... (Not yours.)


end of rant.

kill everything around me.

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