A feeling everyone hates.

Nov 19, 2010 01:22

At least I suppose everyone does. What might that be? As someone else mentioned, it's the horrible sinking feeling that the shit is going to (or has) hit the fan ( Read more... )

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hungry_worm November 20 2010, 13:59:47 UTC
Since my bad croup as a child I get this whooping cough every single time - it was especially nice in school during essays etc., when everyone else wanted to murder me, haha. I'm glad it's over now!

Oh, thank you for thinking of us! :D Hmm, scents I really like in nature are textured along the lines of fresh grass, an ocean breeze, green tea, lemon grass, verbene, ginger, leather, sandalwood and wood in general; I also enjoy mango, rose, lavender and yasmine, and sometimes sweet berries.

I'm usually dividing them into fresh and light ones and mention flowers separately, because my problem with some commercially produced smells is that all flowery scents turn into a sensation of breathing powder from the skin. For example I've been using Calvin Klein's Obsession for Men (Eau de Toilette) since I found it around 16, simply because I haven't once found any perfume intended for women that wouldn't smell like a powder dose or a bubblegum-like piece of candy on me! Biotherm's Eau Pure body lotion is good, too.

There's a lot of smells I like, possibly more than smells I dislike. I've always felt that scents have something magic, whether it's the memories or emotions they evoke. One thing I love about nature is that it is filled with scents - animal scents like horse, pig, dog and cat; forest smells of leaves and moss and sunshine and shadow; saltwater dried on skin, sand; light or heavier fresh sweat on the skin after sex; a candle being lit; stones when they've been heated by the sun; the crisp air in autumn that promises icy nights, the smell of snow; fields of flowers in early summer, ripe fruits, rose hip tea bags, fresh tea.

I think that I'm most fascinated by how most scents are undiluted and raw, often standing for themselves. It's like a smell fetish - just like loving voices, I love smelling different scents, there's too much you don't notice when you close of your nose. Basically everything is interesting, because it always has a purpose and meaning, and belongs to something specific. The few smells I really dislike are unlucky mishaps like cheap deodorant over old sweat, but then I think no one would like that!
I have a very goof nose, too, so maybe I like scents because I can differentiate them well. When it's about food, I usually find out what's inside (unless I don't know the added herb). One of my dream jobs would be to try restaurant critiques...

Tristan loves lavender btw. We had it on the terrace in pots, and I'd always let him smell the flowers. He's still very fond of the dried pieces his grandmother keeps in a small bag of fabric.

You must have struck a weak point, how could the answer turn out to be so long?!


sevenup_renomee November 21 2010, 19:12:19 UTC
I will be sending you some odds and ends, in that case; I like doing scent things for my friends, because it's a very personal thing--I seem to have a fairly good sense of what will go good for things like soaps and whatnot for my friends. You're right about scent, though. It's something that stirs a reaction in us that few things are able to do so effectively.

So some Christmas type things for you and yours to enjoy! I'll let you know when I send it out, so you'll know when to expect it.


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