Eurovision madness

May 29, 2010 23:26

I... don't know how it happened, but after being mildy horrified and amused by the first performance in the semi-finals (The face! The smile! The hair!! O_O;;;) I was rather fascinated by today's (no link yet).

Milan Stankovic's face looked too smooth (nearly artificial) to me at first, but he's pretty natural and nice in an interview. And actually speaks very understandable English (as opposed to some people who sing in English despite not really having the hang of it).

Haha, I guess his smile caught me; I liked his little moves and steps during the performance, too, because it had something entertaining, easy-going and sweetness, surreality aside. That, combined with his deep-enough voice and strong-enough body (and also, nice enough arms, just look at the picture) just made him my favourite. I still don't get why they called him androgynous... just because of the face? If you look at the body - shoulders, hip, legs - and movements, he's just a regular boy-boy (and I mean that in the positive way), and the voice also proves clearly what he's got in his pants.

He doesn't seem to take himself too serious while working earnestly on doing a good job. I like that. So yeah, call that a 180 degrees turn on my behalf.

(Ahaha, the old performance is even more comical (here). Do I have to feel like a freak for liking both him and the song? XDD;)

General note:
Personally, I prefer it when the artists sing in the language of their country. But that might just be me.

I don't like Germany's Lena much, not because of the voice (totally okay) but because of the bits of her personality that she puts on in public an that I've seen on tv reports.

Have a G-Dragon variant (fanvid).
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