Boobquake and cheesecake.

Apr 23, 2010 00:23

Don't you love it when one of your favourite blogs leads you off to read around in a couple of others? *facepalms* My time, where did it go?! Anyway, I just had to share these.

Dr.Grumpy™ posted about Jen McCreight's brainchild Boobquake, "which is designed to test the concept that immodest dress causes tectonic plate disruption." Need I say more? (For the curious, 26th of April is the day.)

While browsing around, I was lured to No So Humble Pie, specifically the White chocolate caramel cheesecake. My own cheesecake recipe is so much simpler that I think I'll have to try that one (although I feel the cavities grow as I read through it) or have someone make it for me. ;) As The Mother's Handbook states: "Give a guy a cheesecake, and he gets gooey tastebud love for a day; teach him to make his own cheesecake, and he can be fat for life."

Mmh. Cake. And tarts. And tartelettes. Etc. ♥

Off to sleep, maybe that'll get rid of my annoying neck pain.


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