This and that.

Aug 08, 2009 22:42

So, I've finally moved (contact data at the usual place) and didn't really get around to do anything else besides reading my f-list and the latest chapters of Bleach, Naruto, One Piece and xxxHoliC**. XD;

Most of you will already have heard, but Miyavi's and Melody's baby has been born. And named.

Lovelie Miyavi Ishihara. -.-

I... don't know what to say. It's not the most fortunate name, I think (lovely, okay, but I read it as love-lie...), but considering the parents' names, it sort of fits. XD; linked to Miyavi's MySpace entry). At the bottom of his blog there's the cutest pic of her tiny hand grabbing his finger. And does that man have slender, long fingers! Damn, but pretty hands are still super sexy.

The most important thing is that they're well and happy. I'm happy for him, and I'll probably get over the name someday. XDD; Probably.

Right now it's definitely too hot here, approximately around 90 degrees Fahrenheit? This summer is really unsteady in regards to temperatures. At least I've gotten a new bicycle, so I can finally enjoy the cooling wind again - at least as long as I cycle. ;D

**Ohh, and damn, the latest chapter (#185) of xxxHOLiC...! I'm really not sure how to feel about it. Ahhhhh! (If you haven't read it, it's up at here. Why do all good things have to end?! ;_;

miyavi, chocoholic

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