Random update - an insight into the musings of my mind

May 07, 2010 17:42


* I have just discovered that I know all the words to all the songs in Grease.
Even the 'We Go Together' lyrics - complete with all Shoo-bop shoo wadda wadda yippidy boom de booms, despite not having seen the film in about 3 years. Oh dear.

* I voted yesterday. I feel all grown up now lol.
I'm actually getting excited about all the goings on now. Something I never thought I'd say about politics. I'm really interested in what's going to happen. Even though, yes, I would have loved it if the party I had voted for had won, and yes, the idea of a hung Parliment seems to strike fear into everyone. But I think it's really quite exciting, or at least interesting. *is lame*

* I was watching the alternative election night on ch4 last night and have to say I loved Robert Webb's impressions in the election special of Charlie Brooker's You Have Been Watching show. =P

* I'm all sad now that Russell Howard's Good News has finished for another series. :(
I love him so much ♥ But at least there is an hour-long special next week with all the best bits and some unseen material! YAY!

* I'm looking forward to Doctor Who tomorrow! I really wanted to hate Matt Smith when it started, because I love Tennant, but that idea soon failed and I think he is awesome! ♥
The show is the best it's been for quite a while I think. I love all the 11/Amy interactions and those 2 eps with the Weeping Angels were really good!

Has anyone been watching the DW Confidentials? That last one where Matt was teasing Karen about putting her hand on his inner thigh when they filmed the snog - 'I seduced you!' XDDDDD!

Also, 'Sir' William from Merlin is in this next ep, I just know it's gonna make me lol! GILBERT!

In other news;

I was walking back from work earlier, daydreaming of a certain Mr Morgan and Mr James - as is my want, when I saw a huge sign with the massive letters O T and P on it. OTP! With an arrow underneath it!

So, naturally I followed the direction this sign was indicating, as it was only a small detour from my usual route home.

Sadly I found no Colin and Bradley making out, in fact, I found absolutely nothing, I have no idea what that sign was for. *sigh*

If only, eh? LMAO!

Anyways I think that's enough pointless ramblings for now.
toodle pip! XD

update, blahblahblah, doctor who, i am bored, nopointwhatsoevertothis, it's mr colin morgan, russell howard, bradley james, random posting, cheekbones of doom, i have no life

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