Taking a little time off..

Sep 21, 2005 15:14

I decided to take my time re-settling back in AZ, so I am currently on a week-and-a-half, three city tour of the east. The last place I wanted to be after being evacuated was AZ. No offense to any that might misconstrue my desire to leave the state. Being home was depressing, as it is not where I am supposed to be right now.

Prior to leaving for Tulane, I got myself in the mindset that I would never live in AZ again. I packed all belongings essential for me to live, leaving behind only those belongings that I never use, and probably wouldn't use in the future. I drove out of the state, thinking my car would never even come within 400 miles of it again, because my plans were to live in New Orleans during next summer, and to fly home when necessary. As it goes, however, my plans changed rather quickly.

You might say I freaked out a little bit. My world turned around rapidly, and I was left spinning in circles, confused about what to do. Being the seasoned traveller that I am, I decided to turn lemons into lemonade, and go visit friends in various parts of the country. My life the past 3 weeks has pretty much been on the road, or at least simply on the move. I haven't stayed in one place for longer than 3 nights. Here is the order from the time I left home:

Albuquerque - 1 night, Aunt and Uncle's house (on the road)
Dallas - 2 nights, Audrey's house (on the road)
New Orleans - 1 night, Nola and Ryan's apartment
Slidell - 1 night, Nola's house
Baton Rouge - 3 nights, hotel
Dallas - 2 nights, Audrey's house
Colby, KS - 1 night, hotel (on the road)
(visit to Oklahoma City)
Gillette, WY - 2 nights, Ian's house
(visit to South Dakota)
Casper, WY - 1 night, Ian's grandparent's house
Albuquerque - 1 night, Aunt and Uncle's house (on the road)
Tempe, AZ - 3 nights, home
Burlington, VT - 1 night, hotel
Castleton, VT - 2 nights, 1 on tiny couch, 1 on hard floor
Bronxville, NY - 3 nights, Cristina's house
(visit Connecticut and Mass.)
Queens - 2 nights, hotel
Miami, FL - 3 nights, Lorena's apt.

And now I am home.

Vermont is absolutely gorgeous. I pretty much slept on the plane from PHX to Chicago, and most of the flight from Chicago to Burlington. But once I woke up, I saw the Appalachians, and Lake Champlain as I landed. Other than the drive through central Colorado, and the Black Hills, I cannot remember the last time I saw a landscape in this country to beautiful. On top of that, Vermont is the most liberal place I have been to in recent memory. On the downside, nobody shaves. NOBODY. Think about it. Well, ok some shave. But many (females) don't. Crazy liberals.

Burlington has to be the quintessential hippie town. The state specialty is health food, of which I had my fair share of. And everyone is super nice. At the airport, this coffee stand didn't accept credit cards (which I was obviously unaware of before I attempted to make any purchases), and the nearest ATM was back before the security check point. Ultimately, I only paid $2 for $5 worth of coffee and cinnamon roll.

Saturday, September 10: Arrived in Burlington. We all (Katie, John, Matt, Liz - all of which are Kt's friends who were all coincidently visiting her on the same weekend) got a hotel so we could explore Burlington some more.

Sunday, September, 11: The highly anticipated trip to the Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Factory. Yes, that's right. Ice Cream Factory. I was so incredibly excited. John and I could not stop bouncing up and down about it. Anyways, in the morning/early afternoon we walked around Burlington a bit more, then headed over to see Lake Champlain. Finally, the hour had come when it was time to see love being made. And it was anything and everything that I had expected. Shutup, I know I'm lactose intolerant. Let's just forget that for today. Actually, it hindered my ice cream enjoying experience, as I was not able to finish my ice cream (Cherry Garcia and The Last Straw). :( Oh, and I also acquired two new smashed pennies. Pictures of Ben & Jerry's will be posted soonish.
We finally made our way to Castleton (Kt's school), and pretty much crashed. This is where I spent the night on a couch that was half the size of me.

Monday, September, 12: Hung around Castleton a bit, then drove Kt and Matt to the airport (I was a chauffer so they could get sexy in the backseat). Not that sexy, only slightly. Actually they just kissed a lot and I made fun of them. Matt barely made his flight (5:00 for a 5:20 flight). Kt and I had dinner in Burlington, then headed back. We had some good conversation in the car ride home. I'll miss her.

Tuesday, September 13: Drove myself to Burlington (John is driving the car back). Flight to JFK. Once I got to NY, Ryan picked me up from the airport and we went to Queens for some lunch. We went to a deli that had an awesome Italian club. Mmmm NY sandwiches. He then showed me the sight of the (1964?) World's Fair... the one with the crazy looking towers from Men In Black, and the giant globe. Then we went to Coney Island. Everything was closed (including the original Nathan's). But we did manage to get on top of the ice rink to see Coney Island from above. We would've been able to see Manhattan, but it was a really crappy/hazy day. After Coney Island, we went to Gracie Mansion (mayor's house), where both Ryan and his father have worked on the HVAC. That was sweet. After Gracie Mansion, Ryan drove through Manhattan so I could meet up with Cristina so she could take me to her house.

After taking the train to Westchester, Cristina and I chilled at her house. A.k.a. we sat in her house confused as to what to do. It was just like being at home! So of course, we both decided that our lives revolve around food, and proceeded to go to Coldstone. Then I impressed everyone with the fact that I am from a town whose best claim to fame is possessing the world's first Coldstone. We cruised the "Boogy-Down Bronx" looking for any hint of nightlife. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. So we reluctantly returned to Cristina's.

Wednesday, September 14: Lorena comes in to NYC today!! But during the day, Cristina and I were once again at a loss for what to do. Thus, we decided to go to Yale. Don't ask. It's so completely random. We discussed things we would do at Yale, such as befriend a friendly looking Asian (of which I imagined there would be truck loads), or take a class, or at least meet someone interesting. Once again, nothing. Nada, zip zilch. We attempted conversation, but everyone looked so focused on their destination. So after purchasing some Yale garb (I got a lanyard), Cristina decided, "hey Yale is halfway to Massachusetts... let's go there!" One of her best friends goes to UMass, so we road tripped further. We had enough time for dinner once we got there, then we had to hustle back to Queens in order to pick Lorena up at the airport. In the words of AZ Ryan: "There are two reasons people do things. Because they can, or because they're stupid."

Thursday, September 15: Day 1 of Manhattan Madness. My Lore had arrived, too! Lorena and I took the train into the city, then fulfilled our cravings for NY bagels. We then headed over to the Met (Metropolitan Art Museum). They had a Matisse exhibit that left little to the imagination. I was very unimpressed. On the other hand, they had a really cool collection of musical instruments. Since Ryan said he would meet up with us later in the day, we did not get to spend too much time at the Met. Once Ryan met up with us, we headed over towards to piers so we could take a harbor cruise. I have done most sight-seeing related things in Manhattan, so it was pretty much up to Lorena to decide what we did. She had never seen the Statue of Liberty or Ellis Island, so a harbor cruise was the most fitting way to see them.

Cristina was to meet up with us after she was done with classes, so we all met for dinner at the Brooklyn Diner. On the way there, Lorena, Ryan and I made a detour to the Toys R Us in Times Square. There was a ferris wheel! After being 5 years old for an hour, we left. Actually I have been 5 for the entire trip. Anyone who saw me at the Ben and Jerry Factory would understand this. Anyways - the Brooklyn Diner was fantastic. I had a french dip sandwich (drenched) and then some NY cheesecake ::drool::. We rolled ourselves to the Empire State Building, which was illuminated blue this night. I have only been on the Empire State Building at night, but it was awesome as usual. That pretty much wrapped up our night.

Friday, September 16: Day 2 of Manhattan Madness. Lorena and I were on our own for the first part of the day again. We went to Serendipity for lunch and Frozen Hot Chocolates. ::culinary orgasm:: Just try one, and you'll know...

We shopped around for a bit in the afternoon. Last night, I scored some tickets to see Movin' Out, a show which Cristina thought would be sold out for months. I am awesome. It was a really good show, too - like a concert with dancing.

Saturday, September 17: I took Lorena into the city one last time so she could lose her virginity to Dim Sum. How could one go so long in life without having experienced Dim Sum?! I have no idea. We found a place in Chinatown called Jing Fong. But when we got there, there were only white people standing outside of it, so I started to freak out a bit. But then we finally saw some Asians, so I could rest assured that this place was authentic. I have not seen such a selection since the last time I was in San Francisco. Too bad the feast of San Gennaro was going on at the same time we decided to get Dim Sum (Little Italy borders Chinatown). Had we not stuffed ourselves with Dim Sum, we would have indulged in some Italian feasting. Oh well.

Ryan invited us out to Long Island to see his house, and to take us around Long Island. Once we arrived via train, we went to his house, then he took us to Port Jefferson on the north shore of Long Island. That was a cute little town.

Sunday, September 18: Lorena and I flew to Miami in the morning. Once we got back to her apartment, we both took 3 hour naps. Mmmm sleep. Something I had been lacking for a couple of weeks. Then we found out that another Hurricane was headed towards us. Shit. What the hell. (Actually I think we found out about it on the plane.) At least I was with some seasoned veterans again.

Monday, September 19: I was left alone in the apartment for a good part of the day while Lorena was at school and her mom was at work. However, FIU got evacuated and Lorena got to come home early. We grabbed some lunch (at 4pm) at some hole in the wall Mexican place. The winds and rain were already starting to pick up. Exactly 3 weeks ago, Katrina hit New Orleans. We met up with Becca and Amal (yay!) and went to David's house for dinner. However, once the storm started to pick up, we skidaddled on home.

Tuesday, September 20: Not much could really be done today. Tropical storm like conditions outside. By the evening, conditions started to improve. Argentinian dinner. Sentence fragment. Witnessed a car chase. Sleep.

Wednesday, September 21: Now I return home. I think I can call myself a modern nomad now. I also think that I have settled down a little since all of these events began to unfold. I'll make the best of the time I have at home. I will also anxiously await for the word saying we can return to Tulane. As of right now, it's still the normal beginning of the Spring Semester.

Kudos to you if you read the whole thing. I will give you one love dollar the next time I see you.
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