stole this from lexis...

Dec 19, 2004 14:04


are you thinking? that my brother wont shut up.
are you eating? nothing. just had hot chocolate tho!
are you wishing? that christmas would hurry up.
are you stressing over? umm...
would you give up for that special someone? i dont kno
is your favorite food? EVERYTHINGGG. haha
is your favorite color? pink
is on your mousepad? a beach scene. haha
is your screen name? hungry4cupcakes0
are you wearing? t-shirt and pajama pants
sport are you playing? ummm... rec soccer
is your favorite activity? food. computer...
is your moms first name? Vicki
what is your birthstone? i dont kno. my birthday is in March
jewlery are you wearing? LIVESTRONG bracelet
color is the room you're in? all different colors
is your gender (M/F)? F
favorite scent? "lucky you" or sweet pea
is your favorite movie? i dont kno. umm. White Chicks
favorite song? dont have a favorite
favorite show? umm. i dont kno there is too manyy
favorite book? dont have a favorite book. i dont read.

your parents married? YES
your parents divorced? nope
you allergic to anything? no. i think i am allergic to pollen tho.

When were you born? March 16, 1992
When did you get your first kiss? umm...
when did you hold the opposite sex's hand for the first time? haha. i dont kno
when did you have a major surgery? havent had one.
when do you want to have your child? AFTER i am married

--DO YOU...
Plan on getting married? yes
plan on having kids? yea
Have siblings? yea. 3 of themm. 1 sister(10) 2 brothers(5&3)
Like your siblings? yea. i guess.
Have pets? 1 dog, 3 cats, 5 fish, 1 hamster, and hermit crabs haha
Know how to swim? yesss
Have your own computer? yea. i have my dad's old laptop. i am asking for a new computer for christmas.

did you last touch? my bro
did you last hold hands with? i think my brother because he wanted to go down the steps. haha
did you last hug? Mom
did you last see? Nikolai
did you last hear? Nikolai
last laughed at you? ashN
last hit you? Nikolai
last smiled at you? Peter. i was taking his picture.
last beat you in something? umm. ashN. we were making up rhymes. haha
did you last want to kill? no one reeaallly
last made you cry? i think my dad.

Killed someone? no
Kissed someone? yeah. fammmiillyyy
Loved someone? yea. i gueess.
Kissed the same sex? mom?
Relied on someone but they werent worth it? ssuurree
Been on a cruise? yes. DISNEYY CCRRUUIISSEE
Been in a car for 10 hours or longer? If so.. how long? noooo waayy.
Been to another country? BAHAMMAAAASSSS
Puked on a car trip? i think. but it wasnt really a car trip.
Read a book in a day? nooooo
Read a book more than once? yeaa we had to read it again att sscchhooll.

<3 mina
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