It is a curious thing to find one has become so accustomed to confinement that they must now become adjusted to its absense as well as the other things contained within this place. I must once more thank Mrs Harker for her generosity in educating me of the City's peculiarities.
So these past few days are the curses of which I was informed? They truly are as nonsensical as described, though this set seemed rather benign.
I cannot tell that I have been personally affected by the curses save some rather tiresome and often puzzeling music seemingly played of this machine's -- computer's -- own volition. A great deal of slang appears to have been coined in the century after my time period and I imagine it will take some time to understand what is meant by it all, necessary, I assume, as there seems no escaping it. The content of the lyrics was at times confounding as well as the wording;
these women, for example, never did tell what it was they really wanted.