Oct 28, 2006 12:46
Yes, this is a poem. I posted one up not terribly long ago called "Fall of November" (which I think could be a really cool two part song one of which being an acustic song). Well guess what? I am going to put up another one.
This one is considerably shorter and has got me thinking about possibly talking to my band and perhapes doing a couple acustic songs to break away from the METAL to gently sooth our listeners before we rip their hearts out with more METAL.
Nothing definet.
But hey, check this out and tell me what you think. Any opinions are always welcome. Thank you and goodnight.
Persistence of Memory
You poured his gasoline tears
On his heart and soul only to ignite the fire within
Warming your hands on the flames
That the oceans of fire glisten
Treacherous endings of dreams and fable
Are destroying a world of collapsing surrealism
To crack the heart imbedded within
Forcing yourself to believe you could never forget him
As the blood covered rose falls to the ground
Not a scream could be heard
For love is deaf to the sound
To those who destroy
And those who will burn
To create a world without internal war
To create a world of emptiness
Unwillingly accepting his demise
It took you four years to say good-bye
Accepting certain inalienable lies
Crucifying the immortal heart when love dies
And yes, I post this stuff up on myspace all the time. But nobody responds so I figure EXPAND MY HORIZON. sweet.