Oct 28, 2014 07:10

Uh. I'll try to keep this updated |D Here's his rating system, slightly odd since he's often as much a dick to people he likes as he is to those he hates:
☆ HATRED. Would happily smite you (though chances are he's too scared to). And as they say in some charming dialects, he wouldn't piss up your arse if your kidneys were on fire.
☆☆ Not in his good books. Would blow you up if you dicked around much more, and would only help you out if it didn't take any effort and you were seriously going to die otherwise.
☆☆☆ Just... average. Would smite you if you did something to really deserve it, but he'd help out if you needed it too.
☆☆☆☆ You're OK. You get a few chances before you're smote, and he'd probably go out of his way to help you out.
☆☆☆☆☆ Congrats, he considers you a friend. Chances are the sentiment's not mutual 'cause that's how he rolls. He'd do a lot for you, and overlook a lot of bad behaviour, within reason.
☆☆☆☆☆☆ FAMILY. He'd take on Lucifer for you, and turn a blind eye to hell of a lot. This does not mean he'll actually be nice to you.

★ Will do pretty much anything in his power to wind you up.
★★ Will mock at least half of what you say and do; expect to be a victim of some pranking as well.
★★★ Expect most of what he says to be some kind of mockery.
★★★★ He'll poke fun, but not much.
★★★★★ You'll still be joked at and about, but in an affectionate, caring sort of way. You may be pranked, but nothing bad enough you won't see the funny side. OR, he'll be pretty much totally serious, besides snide comments and a bit of snark. You'll be left alone in terms of pranking, probably because he's scared of you.

[Code by facetious]

For all their professed mutual hatred, these two are... well, 'close' would be the wrong word. But they seem to have accidentally got quite fond of each other. No one is sure how, when or why this happened, and both will deny it, but the fact of the matter is that they very secretly kind of like each other.darc_nidellia☆☆☆☆☆ ★Tsunade
Always fun to flirt with (and be shot down by). It's almost like spending time with Kali again... though with less angry sex and fire involved. Again, not really friends in a conventional sense of the word, but since Gabriel never has those anyway, it shouldn't come as a surprise. slug_sannin☆☆☆☆ ★★★Asura
Keeps clear of him when possible, since that rather embarrassing batshit crazy incident which he rather resents. He likes being (comparatively) sane, kthx. But it's been about a year since that now, and while he's not dumb enough to let his guard down, he will occasionally make conversation. What? Asura may be a highly dangerous psychopath but he's always good for an entertaining chat.strongestcoward☆ ★★★★★Sebastian
Uh, yeah, no. While they haven't really spoken since that first conversation (which wasn't so much a chat as a stabbing), Gabriel does not like this man. There's something about being surprise-killed about fifty seconds into a meeting that hurt his ego (as well as his chest). Also, he's kind of creepy.hisbutler_bound☆ ★★★★★Dean
He can't tell whether he's pissed that Dean's here or smug that he's suffering too. He'd kind of hoped that if he had to get stuck with someone he knew it'd at least be someone he liked. Still, Dean's probably his favourite Winchester (apart from, y'know, the bit where Dean is totally right about being able to see right through him - and not just because of the holes he keeps putting in his chest) and much like the strange not-friendship with Darc, he's super-secretly kind of fond of him.1967impalaluv☆☆☆☆☆ ★Castiel
After those cockups the last two times he's met Castiel, he's determined to make it work this time. The difficulty arises in that last time, Castiel was from later - after Gabriel's death - and was also keen on making it work. This time, Castiel's (justifiably) bitter about Gabriel leaving. Still, the kid's his brother and the only one who chose the same side as him and... well. He's sentimental, and doubly so where family's concerned.doubtheaven☆☆☆☆☆☆ ★★Dick Grayson
This is a beautiful, wonderful and potentially catastrophic friendship. Between the flirting, the surrealism, the glitterbombing... yeah, this isn't gonna end well.notasidedick☆☆☆☆ ★★★Alessa
They debated theology, and he offered to kill her mother. She brought him soup when he had zombie flu, and he's incredibly outraged on her behalf. Yeah... he can be added to bb!antichrist's legion of protective male figures.hurtandscared☆☆☆☆☆ ★★★★Yujinn
They flirted once, and promptly forgot about it. Then, thanks to temporary chemical lobotomies, they ended up having sex - Gabriel is such a gentleman when he has right frontal lobe damage. Long story short, Gabriel used Yujinn for sex and hurt his feelings. All the guilt!liesbysmiles☆☆☆ ★★★★Sylar
They don't really know each other at all, but Gabriel likes pissing Sylar off and Sylar would rather like to murder Gabriel. So basically this is a normal relationship, by Gabriel's standards.heroslayer☆☆☆ ★Crowley
Well, they got along fine, at first. Almost too well, really - there could've been an unholy alliance, formed mostly on the basis of Winchester-related grudges. However, Dean just had to ruin that with his spoilers about Crowley driving Cas to the dark side. Gabriel hasn't seen Crowley since, but he'll be a little less inclined to be friendly when he does.sellerofsins☆☆☆ ★★★Emilia
Playing 'provoke the Christian' was fun up until Castiel outed him as that 'Gabriel'. That led to various debates (far more emotional on his part, much to his dismay) about the whereabouts of God and His parenting skills, or lack thereof. Since then, they've... sort of made up. She's decided he's worth redeeming, for some reason, and has taken it upon herself to make sure he finds his way back to goodness and holiness. Hell of a job, but if anyone can do it, it's her.killer_kick☆☆☆☆ ★★John Watson
What started off as another of his attempts to find a victim to pick on has slowly become another sort-of-friendship. Following a bloody awful round of ABBA, along with a fairly successful attempt at unnerving poor John, who was naked and in the bath at the time, they apparently are become pals - that counted as saving the poor chap from the dangers of freezing to death in the bath (don't ask). John's helped him out a few times, too - Gabriel just can't stay out of trouble, so really it's very lucky he has a doctor as a sort-of-friend.doctorsoldier☆☆☆☆ ★★Milla
At first they got along great - flirting with someone prepared to flirt back is nice, for a change. 'Course, that went to pot after Haven, because it's a little tricky flirting and acting like nothing's wrong with a woman who's tortured, killed and partially eaten you. He understands that she didn't have much choice in the matter, and that she was trying to help the prisoners, and that he'd have ended up hurt much worse had she left him to the real Reavers - rationally, he doesn't hold it against her. But then again, rationally doesn't mean a whole lot, and the truth of the matter is that he can barely even see her on video without risking flashbacks. As Facebook would say, it's complicated. He likes her plenty, respects her, even. He's also scared shitless. And this is why Gabriel can't have nice things.minx_of_disco☆☆☆☆☆ ★★★★Gene
Managed to convince the stupid bastard that they're in Spain. Gene's too much like a more offensive British version of himself for his liking - he'd put money on daddy/brother issues. Still, the bloke's good for a laugh... at, not with, but who's counting, right?alwaystheguv☆☆☆ ★★Jareth
He really doesn't like this guy. Admittedly Jareth's not really done anything to him, but he... ugh, he just can't stand people knowing things about him. And Jareth can read him better than Dean. Not to mention that he stole Damian (Gabriel personally couldn't care less, but Tim was upset), and also Castiel's wings. And also he is hugely jelly of Jareth's impeccable style. Awww yeah. Dem tights. whatssaidissaid☆☆ ★★


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