Generic Blog Entry

Jul 10, 2006 23:54

The red elvises were a lot of fun. See my flickr for photos and lizard-on-a-stick.

At the club, Ryan complimented me on my attire. I really apprecate this: I have trouble with some social things (a good quality in a politician, much like like wearing totalitarian regalia and crossdressing), and really benefit from reminders. Examples: "Good table manners, but you never wipe your mouth when you're done." or "Your shirts are all huge." or "I like it when you bow, I feel acknowledged."  - These sort of things, the keep-doing-this, stop-doing-that and don'-worry-about-the-other-thing I really benefit from and always appreciate.

I am reading a book on behaviour modification and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. I hate it when books have the movie picture on the front, especially here, where Jack Nicholson has the wrong colour of hair. Can you imagine if they did this for Shakespeare? Look! Leonardo diCaprio and Claire Danes stare out at you from the cover of Romeo and Juliet!

The hidden storm that is the terminus of a romantic relationship is mostly over. Mostly. Still blowing now and then. I need to learn to talk to poeple about this sort of thing. Hell, I need to learn how to have emotionally close conversations as a matter of course.

I am filled with optimism, confidence and a sense of mild confusion.

My plan with the Rhino party is to concentrate on making a local presence and let Brian "Godzilla" Salmi run the federal show. I think a meeting is in order.

erin, rhino, communism, social, blog, confidence

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