Jun 18, 2006 10:34
Hey, don't forget Commerical Drive today: noon 'til six.
In other news, Gay Pride is coming up again. Anyone want to have a banner thingy?
Option A - Korean Movie Monday
We're no longer in touch with traditional North American social norms, so fuck who you please, just don't recreate the river scene from Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and we'll be happy. Or if you do, film it.
Option B - Rhinoceros Party
The only party with not only supports gay rights, but backs this "Homosexual Agenda" that the relicons are harping on about. That's right, we want more queer people, and we'll convert your children to do it. We'll do anything it takes, we'll even introduce them American football and Xena.
It's a matter of statistics and probability. Think about it.
If you're gay, you'd like there to be more gays right? That way you'd have more options and might not have wound up with that bloody head case from Moncton who had not so much issues as the complete series backdated to June of 1953... but I digress. If you're a lesbian, you'd like there to be more lesbians, ne? That way, the line outside The Mix would have more people with whom you could hook up, and less "Area Couple Looking for Hot Woman Willing to Experiment." If you're bi, you'd like there to be more bisexuals or homosexuals of your own sex, and you'd like the bicurious people to be a little less curious and a little more bi. (These statements are uncontestable fact. If you disagree, you are wrong.)
Transsexuals gunning for The Swap, wouldn't you rather live in a society that encouraged you to sort out that you'd like to be the other sex while you were younger and the new hormones would do more and the old ones less?
What if you're heterosexual? Wouldn't you rather that questioning people got their orientation sorted out sooner rather than later? I mean, do you want to be in a relationship that ends with "I love you honey, but you're the wrong sex for me?" No. (Again, your opinion on this topic must agree with me or you're wrong, wrong, wrong - see above for proof).
Besides, there tend to be more gays than lesbians, so if there's more of this 'queerness' floating around, the ratio of women who are interested in men to men who are intereted in women will tend towards more of the former and less of the latter. That's right guys: less competition; more single chicks. "Okay Graham," you say, "that's good for straight and bi men, but what about heterosexual women?" I'm glad you asked that question, allow me to illuminate.
Option C - Take to the spirit of many entrants, like the real-estate agent whose float consists of... a car with her name on it.
I suggest we carry a banner that reads, "Amalgamated Sweatshops and Landmines Inc. wishes to express its heartfelt support for your local event and/or cause. See our web catalogue for more!"
I think I'm leaning towards B, but there's no reason these couldn't be combined.
ethical consumption,
sympathy for mr. vengeance