Jan 12, 2014 14:31
A few years ago, I came across a dialogue process along these lines, but I haven't been able to find it again. I'd like to credit the creators. If anyone knows who they might be, let me know.
Here is a method of creating dialogue with artists around oppression in art.
It give politically passionate audiences a place to find solutions to problematic content. It gives politically passionate artists a way to communicate with these audiences with less fear of being judged. It gives a place for art that is actually not problematic to show its strength. It gives space to teach. And it also makes it hard for bombastic ignorant jackasses to dismiss much-needed criticim of their work.
As someone wishing to engage an artist in dialogue, work through the following stages until you feel the issue has been adequately addressed, or you hit #4 and throw fruit at them. As an artist, listen and respond.
1. I noticed _______________ in your work. What led to this decision?
2. I see, are you aware of ______________ as a social issue? Do you this might relate?
3. I think this aspect of the work is problematic for the following reasons _________________. What are your thoughts?
4. Seriously dude, Fuck You. [Throw fruit of choice]