Hey there all you wonderful folks who attended and volunteered at Happy Tranny Day last April!!
We're putting on another event, this time it's called "Gender Euphoria." this May 3rd and we are currently looking to recruit volunteers of all types. Primarily, we're wanting to add a few new faces to our planning committee.
As is, we have several roles on the planning committe including Food Coordination, Volunteer Coordination, Fundraising and Donations, Fun Fair Coordination, Media Relations and Event Advertising & Promotion. Could you see yourself helping out in one of these areas? If so, then send a quick email to
htdvolunteers@gmail.com and let us know you're interested in finding out more.
The HTD Planning Committee has been meeting on the first Wednesday of every month from 6-8pm at Rhizome Cafe (accessible venue, Broadway & Kingsway) and will be meeting on the following dates: Feb 4, Mar 4, Mar 18, Apr 1, Apr 15, Apr 22, Apr 29, and May 2