Jun 14, 2007 22:02
A thank-you to Kynnin, Maus and Dennis for their exemplary hospitality, including, but not limited to, splendid food.
You know the story: the one-month-later wedding reception where the bride's boyfriend makes cookies with basil in them, and you sip yam and peanut soup while talking to one of your friends about how he feels about being one of several prospective donor fathers to a couple's child. Then your ex shows up with her boyfriends, and you wonder how it'll go because you've not really seen each other since you started changing your sex. You join in discussing the latest research on menstruation and eating disorders, you have some humus and pita with some perrier....
Perhaps I go on too long - it's a situation common to most of us is it not?
Or maybe you don't live in Vancouver.