1. Stop signs are on the cross street: good, I have right-of-way.
2. A truck!
3. Bicycle+truck=bad
4. Hmm... I won't be able to brake in time
5. Yup, I was right. I hope I won't be too badly hurt.
6. (discontinuity of memory)*
7. Holy shit, I'm okay. I didn't hit my head. Good.
*I remember a loud "thump"
And I am okay, I just have some scrapes and bruised muscles. The driver gave me a ride to church. Nice guy.
1. I'm supposed to be dressing like a boy for the photoshoot with
inri332. I seem to have ditched most of my non-androgynous clothes (most of which were way too big)
3. I wear this when I play Lichen, and he's pretty male.
4. [Looking in the mirror] Wow. Even with the clothes, I still look different.
- I've been going to this campus for years, yet I have no idea where many of the girl's bathrooms are.
- On Monday I was dressing as a boy and grwing my facial hair out for laser hair removal. Contrast to today where I'm dressed a bit more comfortably and have shaved and I look in the mirror and... holy shit, I actually look female. This is pretty sweet