xXxholic Mega Challenge

Jan 01, 2012 23:27

A new challenge for a new year! 
Welcome to A Hundred Wishes' first Mega Challenge!

Want to get more involved in the fandom this year?  To set yourself a goal while those New Years resolutions are still fresh in your mind?  Here's your chance!

The challenge is simple.  You have to create a substantial work (that means 30+ hours, my dears) incorporating something you've never tried before.  If you're a writer, that means you might want to try a new style or try incorporating images or multimedia.  If you're an artist, you may want to try a new subject matter, style or even a different artform.  You might want to embark on a collaboration with someone else or work in a group.

Or you may want to try something entirely different.  Breath life into some xXxholic sock puppets.  Sew a Mokona.  Create part of a cosplay outfit for your next con (presenting us with photos of the process and the finished article).  You could even cook a meal from the manga or anime and write a recipe article to show us all how to do it ourselves (I want yummy pictures if that's the case!).

If you want to write, draw, paint, make videos, compose a song, sculpt, sew or cook for xXxholic this is the challenge for you.  Whatever your skill, you can put it to use here ;D

As long as it's related to xXxholic, the sky's the limit!  Well that and the deadline.  All projects must be completed and submitted on April 1st.

Interested?  Keen to start?  Okay, lets get down to the practical considerations.

Sign Ups
If you're interested, comment below.  If you haven't decided what you want to do yet, that's fine - but if you do, please leave a note on what sort of work you're doing (ie. writing, illustrations, video etc).

Sign ups should be finished by the end of January.  But if you're really determined and are certain you will be able to finish your project in time, exceptions can be made.

And yes, you can sign up for more than more than one project, if you want ;)

If you want a prompt to get you going, you can have a look at the Hundred Wishes'  prompt table for ideas  You can also request a prompt or theme if you're more comfortable with that.

If you need held starting off with a new project you have no experience in, feel free to leave a comment or PM with any questions.  We'll help you if we can.  If people would like, a screened comment-post can be set up.

There will be check-in posts every two weeks, and every week through March, where all participants can discuss progress and problems.  It would be great to hear from everyone, even if it's just a 'things going well' so we know everyone's okay.

Further information will be provided closer to the submission date now.

All projects must be finished by the end of Sunday 1st April. There will be a bit of leeway for the different time zones.
For posting your piece simply put 'Mega Challenge: Title of your piece' in the subject heading. Please also use the heading layout below and hide your fanwork under a cut ;)

Project/Title: Project I've Finally Finished!
Artist/Author: Yuuko_fan
Medium: art, fic, cooking etc
Rating: PG
Warnings: if there are any.
Summary: a description of your project.

If there are extra details, feel free to add them.  This is the basic minimum.  If you have multiple pages of posts you need to link or several projects, feel free to make a masterpost page.  Whatever works for you is fine ;D

And, as always, feel free to cross post at other communities - the more people who see your work, the better :D

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.  If not, let the party begin! :D

mega challenge

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