It's been a long, long time since I've posted here. Health, family, finances and alien abductions have kept me pretty much preoccupied and I've tended to sacrifice blogs and the like with the intention of concentrating on the writing first. Which has been a marginal success. I'm now two more novels completed than I was last time.
To focus on the positive from the last year Dante I, sequel to Poseidon VII is due for e-book release on May 18th, and presumably print some months after that. Plus I'm now almost a third of the way through the next in the series Atlantis IV. At this rate I should have the draft finished before Dante I is released. A very auspicious sign. All I need now is the winning lottery ticket and the world would be perfect.
So without much more ado, let me cut to the chase and reveal these
seventeen ways to RAM your Buffer.
1. Dante I -- YEAH! e-book is due for release on the 18th May 2010. Tried to address the issue of boring but hot sex scenes (a reviewer's comment for Poseidon VII). Hopefully this is a little better this time. What I really like about Dante I is it has a
fabulous cover for a change.
2. Alien abductor's took me on a very nice picnic -- to Cygni 2b.
3. Nine chapters, nine agents. The PIACT Agent Roll call is slowly growing. This Tongue in Cheek, just for harmless fun series of stories and mock secret agent agency is all part of a make-believe empire for the bored, the poor and the certifiably humorized. If you've ever wanted a spiffy secret agent name, a professionally made secret agent card and want your mission to join the growing throngs of PIACT Agent missions then just drop Ferocious Furball a line in a comment on this post. If you want to read more about it then take a peek
4. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
But all the king's horses and men were foiled
Cos' Humpty had gotten himself hard-boiled
5. Valencius Covers His Tracks. Have this printed out and rereading what I have. Want to reawaken this dead fellow and have a go at finishing it since I've done so much already. Priority rating 7... It's number seven on my list of WIP's
6. Space Burps. Completed and out to Beta Reader's. Mucho thankos Beta guys. These things would be impossible to do without your help. Space Burps 2 -- Deja Deux -- is already underway.
7. Why did the redneck run over his father twice -- Because papa wanted to be retired.
8. Huw's Entappathe Whorled - Sitting on a back boiler. Priority rating 10. Will be a while till I get back to this fella.
9. Life's mystery #37. Why are we so wary of believing the good, yet blithely accept the bad as truth.
10. Terras IV - Still growing, things are getting rather exciting in this freebie novel. Will the hero and heroine survive until chapter 23? Not if the Separatists have anything to do with it. Check them out on my newsletter
The Willing Courier .
11.Clipping Pegasus's Wings - The first and probably last PIACT M.O.M.S. novel. So far I have done fifteen edits and still can't seem to get it right. Something is elusively wrong in this thing and it's bugging me. Agh! This baby is one big P.I.T.A.
12. Red Dragon, Blue - Still on my wip list, priority number 8.
13. Sometimes the companionsip of good friends is the pinnacle of caged despair.
14. Swansong - Reinvigorating. WIP priority 5. Messing with this ten novel epic and trying to hammer vague plots into shape. I know how I want the entire story to run, but would like to have rough one paragraph plots of all ten novels in place before I finish writing the first.
15. Déjà Deux - The follow up to Space Burps-- Movie contract... movie contract...
16. Double D.3 Reports - Planning to start these up again soon. Will keep you all informed.
17. Atlantis IV - This is the fourth in the five book Undercover agent series. Set in a completely underwater world, deep sea domes and 300 atmospheres of pressure. Can one cybernetic implants physician and a sex-toy slave save an entire colony from one man's plans for genocide. Can they keep their hands off each other long enough to get dressed. Why get dressed, isn't it more fun to be naked?
Hmm, needs some work this one. LOL
Well thanks for stopping by guys. One day I hope to be able to get in and chat to you all soon. Until then I'll see you all around the Interwaves :)
Have a good week!