It's hot and I hurt my leg

Aug 09, 2009 23:46

I spent the weekend helping Matt and his roommates move out of their East Lansing house. Before I did that I performed a leg workout in which I did standing calf raises for the first time in ages. Because of the work done in the adjacent days, I overtrained them and injured myself. I think the injury I have is actually one that, left untreated, can result in needing minor surgery. So I'm treating it with a microwavable sock full of delicious rice, anti-inflammatory agents, hydration, sleep, suggestive massage, and a return to being sedentary for this week.

In the car today I turned on WJR. Apparently they still actually broadcast audio over AM radio. These people were on there for a really long time talking about things to do in the Summer. They suggested going to the "liberry". Going to the library is a good suggestion, though not the best seasonal choice since I have been to one in February and it was very similar to going in August. Their main suggestions were to go on the internet and to check out DVDs of tv shows. All people can think to do anymore is figure out a new way to sit in front of a glowing rectangle. That's why it's good to sometimes force your friends to cook food, walk over a mile on the hottest day of the year, get sunburns and sit amidst goose shit to eat delicious vegan food. The picnic today was a success. There were magnificent thunderstorms before and after, but not during. (One can write about it on the glowing rectangle later.)
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