(no subject)

Dec 11, 2002 23:39

I don't even know how to describe how I feel right now. Today started off not-so-good, and then I got some amazing news, which was soon followed by some utterly depressing news. So it's been an emotional roller coaster of a day (not to be a drama queen or anything). I mentioned that tomorrow was going to be a "big day," but it's not after all. Monday might be the "big day," but things don't look so promising right now.

Today I got my Stats test back. I got a 35/80. Okay, then! I guess I'll be enrolling in that course once again come Spring 2003. If I stay in school, that is. I'm itching to start all over again.. work full-time, get out of this house. It's been a long time since I felt this way (although I've always been bitter about living here), but after all the stuff that went down today, I'm starting to think that I should. I don't know, ahh. I started looking for jobs online again today (for the first time in probably a year), and I came across some stuff I would be interested in. I don't even know if I would want to stay in California to be honest though.

On a completely different subject, Christmas is coming up. I can't believe it will be here in less than 2 weeks! Maybe it's because I haven't been to the mall yet, but I haven't really been in the shopping mood. I am excited about the videos I've been making for family though.. I feel so creative! :] As far as shopping goes, I'm usually done before Thanksgiving. As of right now, I only have a gift for my grandpa. I have no idea what I'm going to get my mom - probably gift certificates. She is very unappreciative when it comes to receiving actual gifts. Example? Four years ago while in Seattle, she "fell in love" with my aunt's breadmaker. I bought her one the following Christmas. Where is it now? Still in its unopened box, stashed under the kitchen counter. Oh, and two years ago I bought my parents a DVD player for Christmas. It also remained in its box until about a month ago when I brought it upstairs and attempted to hook it up in my grandpa's room. My mom actually noticed it was missing immediately - she asked me where the box that she had been putting her bills on top of went. Heh. I still need to get something for Chuckie, too :D I kinda-sorta know what I'm going to get him, but not really. And I don't know what I'm getting Margie. I hate buying "easy" gifts for people. I always felt guilty buying stuff from Bath & Body Works for female friends, for instance. I don't know why, because I know I love that kind of stuff. I just feel like people will think I don't really know them, or that I didn't take the time to think of something more personal, y'know? I bought Margie a hamster cage for her birthday, and I felt guilty about that. I mean, she has two hamsters, but I just didn't feel like it was "her." Heh. Anyway, other than that, there really isn't anyone to buy for.. just cousins and stuff, but those are easy gifts that I won't feel ashamed about - they're young, and toys are cool, heh.

What else, what else.. erm, I decided I want to take another stab at learning how to better use Macromedia Flash. I was looking at some online tutorials, and the layout looks similar to that of Adobe Premiere (my new favorite video editing software! :), so I think I might be able to catch on a bit easier this time. When I tried using Flash in the past, I really had no idea what I was doing. Hmph (Dara's word :).

Okay, I'm just babbling on and on, so I think I'll go ahead and post this ;) Nighty!
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