
Mar 09, 2003 02:52

guess who just had one of the best nights of their life...
yes, you got it, me.
.ben kweller.
.is beautiful.
.and talented.
.and high.
.and amazing.
all the people who went tonight are so kick ass.
you are all hott mother fuckers.
the only down part was when we were supposed to MEET BEN KWELLER. but they kept telling us to come back later
and then it never happened...
then he was gonna sing happy birthday to amanda.........
but some dumb bitch lied and said it was her and her name is brianna or something... stupid girls....
so he sang to her instead, that blew.
the limo driver named jerry was so funny he said queen latifa had orgys in his limos and he had a lot of famous people too.... *nstink, 98*, wayens brothers, and PAUL WALKER- which i thought was pretty sweet.
first time seeing ben kweller live
[by the way hes just as good live as he is on the cd.. but actually better]
first limo ride
first successful surprise party
"happy happy joy joy... so now that we're all fucking happy... lets sing it again"
oooh man hes so funny
what a fucking good time
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