SO at lunch i was all like, Whoa there are chicken fries? at first im like, "wtf is that" and then im like "whoa these are good" then i saw a cheeseburger and i was like, "WTF thats what i want!" and then i had both and had some of olins fries, bahahahaha. then there was ice cream and i was like "w00z00t" and then there were slurpee type things and i was like "w00z00tz00t" bahahahah. im just a cheeseburger in paradise...can you tell im hungry, baha.
the day was pretty good. Spring break finally, Ive only made 20 Entries since i got this journal back in december. wow, im lazy.
bahahahahahahhahahah uhm,oh, i dont know what to say. This break = not alot, just staying home, going places with friends, and quinns house for easter
MANDY MOORES BIRTHDAY is on april 10th...woot woot, owned k thx. oh, did u know i type 117 words per minute? well now you know, check your typing speed here.... word. alright, well im out, maybe ill have some Miyakes with Tommy tomorrow, right tommy? or how bout some chilis? whatever works man, My fantasy team sucks. I am the squire, from the land of comodore, and i like milk and LAME ducks
word to that......GOLF owns we beat sacred heart (BAHHAHAHA DIE SHP)
K UHM yeah, ivAY ? 143? k thx ;)
ill add a pic here sometime but really not needd, cause i really want to uhm i dont know hah.