Jan 10, 2008 17:42
also, I fucking hated Juno.
It was way too fake. There were some redeeming qualities but nothing enough to save it from it's awful fake fucking dialogue. Bateman was nice, and I appreciated that it made some cool decisions regarding how to resolve certain character's motivations and wants.
but goddamn that script made me want to die.
I don't know. maybe I didn't "fucking hate" it.
I can even see how the way the movie was so fake and became less so is a metaphor for Juno's progress... but it annoyed the holy hell out of me. the opening scene was near unwatchable. Plus on the way to the movie i told jen that it didnt matter if we were late because it would just be an awkward opening monologue or the main chacter having a getting ready for their day montage that segued into a indie rock song and cartoony credits... well fuck.
I can't wait for There Will Be Blood.