Aug 10, 2005 14:18
Ok so its been awhile..
Girls night, it was fun thats all i have to say Lol
on friday i went ot the waterpark wiht lynds n max n matty n Mike that was fun except they stole my money n me n lynds where there till 7 but thats ok then kevin brought us home n later that night Kevin Joey Chris Jon n MAx came over n we just chilled for a little bti then around 12 we decided we wanted to bake a cake n so we went to the store n got stuff for cake n baked.. the cake was actually very very good Lol strawberry cake wiht rainbow chip frosting Lol : ]
on saturday i pretty much sat around went a few places with my mom n then around 9 ish? i went to see Dukes Wiht Joey FuCkiNg hilarious movie!! i was dieign the whole time n jessica simpson is just soooo HOTT yea Joey heard about that Lmao but yea after the movie we stopped by Collins for a bit then i came home n went to bed.
Brian Nich n Alex showed up at my house n we went n got icecream n went to the skate park to tape Alex Lol yeaa i know... dorks Lol but it was alot of fun those boys are Crazzyy then after that we came back to my house n Brian and alyssa n i all hung out it was fun we watched alice in wonderland nt hen Chris Joey n KEvin came over too Lol it was liek a parttyy Lmao then eveyrone went home n KEvin n joey came back till about 5 or somthing? idk but yeahhh
Umm i went shopping wiht my mom n stuff that was fun we got baskets! Lol yea anyways after that i went to Collins n stuff hung out that was fun you know Lol umm thats about it
I went over brians n was supposed to go to the beach but that NEVER happened Lol oh well then we went n did some funny shit with alex n nick n brians has a thign with butts we all decided n nick almost made a kid go def (spl??) Lol yea it was funny then we all went swimming at brians n then went to the skate park n then went bakc to brinas n i stayed they till 11ish? Lol yea very busy busy day to much to type but i was ALOT of fun Lol
ok so today is wendsday i have practice : ( oh well it will be fun catchin up with Sara n Nellers Lol there funny girls n me n Court have a convo we need to finish Lol... Girls are BiTcHeS oh well what can yya do.. but yea i think i got my days mixed up on all the stuff i did idk but its been liek a week since i updated so its hard to remember eveyrhting that happened Lol.
Zacharys Home!! Yea thats right my BFF came home from his month long florida trip : ] i missed him so very much!!
Monday im goin to Cedar Point wiht Zachary n Skylar n Derek Yay! should be funnn!!