mandee and i on the bus on the way to the picnic
the posse at the picnic
mandee and i sticking our tongues out =)
me kissing nasiem at the dance
mandee and nasiem sitting and crying at the spot for the last time ::tear tear tear::
well, last night was the was so emotional..i cried sooo much.
i'm gonna miss every single one of you that go to agoura =(. we have to chill this summer to make up for next year.
i realized how much i love all of my friends..they mean the world to me..especially the posse..i love you guys.
i don't know what i would do without you! <3
i'm going to texas on monday for 3 weeks and 2 days to be exact..i'm gonna miss u guys! call me..(818)620-5097..<3
i hope everyone had a good last time at the dance last night.
i know i did.
i love makes me feel better..and nina said i look pretty when i cry =)
i'm still a lil could i not be?
guys just don't understand what us girls go through.
they mkae fun of us for crying but then again, they don't have the same kind of relationships with friends as we do.
girls are so close and so caring..guys are just..different.
today, i'm going to the cantina with nina, mandee, and maybe's gonna be fun <33
nasiem left for san jose this morning =(
she didn't even call to say good bye..
oh well..
i gotta go get ready..
have a nice day =)
xox chelsea