This is what happens when you feed a stoner scrambled eggs!

May 01, 2008 17:40

My morning routine has become waking up earlier than I should, with every intention of going back to sleep, but ending up laying in my bed thinking about how much I love my life up here, and worrying with the minute, but notable, differences of next year, will it still be good?
I'm living somewhat seperate from a lot of my friends, although I don't really mind walking I guess, with my friend Kevin, who can kinda be an asshole, so I'm stressed about that...
Mostly it's just, I don't know, it was hard enough to end High School, which were overall pretty excellent times for me, and to come here. I had, as well documented here, not a very good first half of the first semester, so the fact that I am so comfortable now is wonderful...and it's ending again. So, sucks.
Last night was the naked bike ride, which I was easily drunk enough to participate in, but I simply watched the surreal hilarity, and bopped around to different rooms and people that I knew. I'm accumulated quite a circle, a lot of which is only linked by me. It's cool, I've always had a hard time staying still with just one small group of people, so I've found a nice situation, except when I get worried I am not hanging out with certain people enough.
It's just strange to think my life will never be this way again, nor had it before. 
I had a pretty fucking awesome year.
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