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In the News
Mar 17, 2003 14:04
This link thanks to
Toxic Custard
Apparently if I paid more attention to the news, I'd have known about this one already:
A fish heading for slaughter in a New York market shouted warnings about the end of the world before it was killed, two fish cutters have claimed.
Zalmen Rosen, from the Skver sect of Hasidic Jews, says co-worker Luis Nivelo, a Christian, was about to kill a carp to be made into gefilte fish in the city's New Square Fish Market in January when it began shouting in Hebrew.
"It said 'Tzaruch shemirah' and 'Hasof bah'," Mr Rosen later told the New York Times newspaper.
"[It] essentially means [in Hebrew] that everyone needs to account for themselves because the end is nigh."
But they killed the fish anyway. Remember next time you eat gefilte fish, you could be munching on a prophet!
(I'm not going to say the whole thing sounds fishy to me. Nope, not going to say it.)
linkage: news
linkage: humor
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