If you have thought about possibly getting a Tarot reading done, now is the time!
nalidoll is currently doing Tarot readings for tips.
As she puts it here,
Right now, I am very much wanting/needing to do as many Readings as I can. I have a chance to finally get a place of my own, and I need to raise the funds to get this Feat of Independence accomplished (it has been years in the making)....
For those not familiar with me or my readings, I have been reading Tarot Cards, specifically, for over 20 years. I also read a little of everything else, but Tarot remains my favorite, I think. I am currently using, mostly, the Housewives Tarot. It makes me smile, and that is always a good thing in my book.
Questions about any of this are always welcomed, and answered as promptly as I am able.
Right now, this is open to everyone, so feel free to pass it along, should you know of anyone who might be interested.
See Nalidoll's Tarot Readings post for more information.