Jan 14, 2009 20:40
So, Monday was the kind of day when you feel too sick to go to a doctor's office, and since there was an appointment available Tuesday I took it in the hopes of having found some measure of energy in time to go then. This was a time slot at the neurologist's office--that's the one who is an hourlong bus ride away, each way. Fortunately, I could stand and walk without passing out on Tuesday, so the walking and waiting and bus riding there went without incident.
Doctor's office: Slight wait; nothing too bad. Waved at chubby little baby being carried in by his mother (or guardian?). Short convo with neurologist--nothing much changed since last time, headaches may be improving though I rather have my doubts--will continue on the same dosage of the same medication for another couple months, then go back for another appointment. Or possibly something will change, in which case the appointment may be sooner.
After the doctor visit, walked to nearby shopping center to do grocery shopping... and went into a thrift store instead. Bought ten clothes hangers and four books, which isn't quite what I had in mind but it works anyway. Finally, after communing with the books, I went to the international grocery and had fun buying green leafy things, purple things, snack crackers, and tea. Walked to the bus stop and was delightfully surprised by the fact that I had only a few minutes to wait. The sky, which had been shades of leaden grey for much of the day, decided to let some sunshine through to turn leafy clouds into gold.
The bus ride home was fairly entertaining, as a couple of women flirted shamelessly with the bus driver, who flirted even more shamelessly in return. (My favorite part was the impromptu rendition of Salt-n-Pepa's "Push It.") Eventually came home, a bit worn out by it all.
Wednesday: Tired. So tired. Needed to get prescription filled, so walked to pharmacy, waited around half an hour doing not much in particular, took my drugs with me to a Jerry's where I ate some cheesesteak that didn't even pretend to be health food, went to another store to buy necessities like yogurt and soap, came home and turned on my space heater because I felt like I was dying of cold. Or possibly dying of the common cold, which made itself very much felt for a while mid-afternoon. I now regret going anywhere today, though I doubt it could have been avoided. Head thinking about going into full migraine mode, though so far all we have is aura. We have now reached the auditory hallucination part of our program. Also, I have several times caught myself typing something entirely different from what I had meant to type, so if you see any amusing word substitutions that I've misssed, please feel free to say so!
Tomorrow: Please oh please let me not have to go anywhere or do anything.