Still here, trying to figure out what I'm doing, mostly spending time reading books or attempting to sleep a headache away. Been feeling emotionally flat lately, which could be due to sleep-deprivation, medication, or repressing sadness and fear due to the growing doubts (even now that I'm apparently properly diagnosed with epilepsy) that any treatment will ever help me enough to enable me to get a life. Also been annoyed by the U.S. presidential campaign, but that's pretty typical.
Not directly related to my life: why is it that the only U.S. newspapers talking about the Michael Futi case are ones in Hawai'i? Two-week-old baby boy (a United States citizen, if that matters) with a heart condition dying in February because, even though the paperwork and everything was all in order for him to go straight off the flight from American Samoa to a hospital in Honolulu, he and his mother and his nurse were all kept at the airport by Customs and Border Protection even after the infant developed breathing problems and--okay,
Honolulu Advertiser story here,
Star Bulletin story here. It's all in the service of national security. Don't you feel more secure knowing that that little boy will never live to early adulthood as he probably would have if he'd had that scheduled operation? Wonder if writing to the two major presidential campaigns asking what their administration would do to try to prevent similar tragedies would get any kind of response. (For the record, the latest news is that the family is suing the government in federal court. Even if they win big, there is no way it could possibly be enough.)
Well, aside from being tired, somewhat flattened, frequently migrainey, and upset by what is and is not being covered in the national news, I'm doing pretty well. Haven't noticed any sudden loss of consciousness since my dose of Keppra was increased last, so the neurologist is increasing the dose more in the hopes that some lingering issues will go away. Once I pick up that prescription, will be paying close attention to see if either (A) the migraines decrease in frequency, duration, or just plain hellishness, or (B) my mood changes in ways that are unlikely to be explained by anything other than the medication. If I can start getting a good, solid eight hours of sleep on a regular basis it will probably help with pretty much everything, though the sleep thing isn't entirely under my control.
Walked a little over tuna half miles today. Will probably walk about the same distance tomorrow, though I hope to be able to walk more since the weather's expected to be more pleasant. Need to buy athletic shoes again soon so I can walk without twisting my ankles or getting new blisters.
May find inspiration to write more this week. You never know.