this is my dead self, and it is ringing off the water

Feb 11, 2008 21:43

Last week I walked an average of three miles each day until Saturday, at which point I collapsed in a heap and stayed there through Sunday. For the last few days, I've been swimming in the inbetween space between consciousness and the dreamworld, falling more deeply into dreams almost on the instant that I close my eyes. Earlier today my language output was something that wasn't just screwed-up English, but something not resembling any known language at all. My ears are ringing hollowly. My chest, my back, arms and legs all hurt deeply.

I suspect my body's trying to tell me something.

Anyway, I did accomplish a few things today, doing a load of laundry and (more impressively) putting it all away; going to the library to return books, mourn what had been done to one of those books (the librarian shook her head sadly and said that the word "damaged" didn't do justice to what had been done there), and check out more books; and going to the grocery store where the checkout clerk took a red pen and carefully circled the food stamp balance so I would know there is still more than $500 left to spend.

If anyone's been wondering, most of my food stamps the last week have been spent on fresh fruits & veggies, other sensible things like whole-grain bread and all-natural peanut butter, and half-price soups from the discount bin. Today I had a little more fun and bought lamb, garlic naan, and baba ghanouj. Mark my words: one day I'll want to make my own baba ghanouj, and then you'll be sorry.

Sometime soonish I'm going to go collapse in bed again. I really think my body's trying to tell me something.
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