Aug 08, 2006 09:54
I dreamt last night that several of my friends came knocking on the back door to ask why I hadn't posted in LJ lately, so I guess it's time to make an entry here (though if those friends, who do not have LiveJournal accounts and didn't have them in the dream either, would bother to get their own journals, they might find out that I do leave comments on occasion and thus would reassure them that I am, in fact, alive).
Anyway, have been very tired and achy for the last few days, so not much has gotten done. Well, I've gotten some walking in each day, usually around sunset. On Friday when the weather cooled off a little, the sky actually had some blue in it, which may not sound impressive to those of you who didn't deal with our air pollution last week but was certainly a big and welcome improvement. Yes indeedy, Friday through Sunday the haze lightened up enough for individual clouds to become visible--and every one of those nights had a sunset worth going out of my way to see (especially Friday).
Yesterday, sadly, had heat, humidity, and haze again for most of the day--not as bad as last week's wave, but enough to remind me that I hate summer. Later in the day, the first rain shower brought a rainbow, faint but unbroken. Aside from the bow, the shower mostly just added to the humidity without decreasing the heat. Later on, though, some cooling rain came through. Today might even be pleasant.
Hmm... what else is there to say? Sunday night I had trouble getting to sleep because of my guilt over having accidentally killed a click beetle. No, really. I'm not an entirely nonviolent person--I'll destroy mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, or wasps (not bees) in a heartbeat--but I do not kill beetles. I especially do not kill nifty, familiar beetles like fireflies, ladybugs, or click beetles. Poor li'l guy. In other wildlife news: the local goslings are now nearly indistinguishable from the adults, the annual cicadas are giving us free concerts all day long, and the housemates are still not very good at washing dishes after they've used them.