Gallup says that the high degree of religious tolerance reflects, in part, "not only a lack of knowledge of other religions but an ignorance of one's own faith." In some polls, he says, "you have Christians saying, 'Yes, Jesus is the only way' and also, 'Yes, there are many paths to God.' It's not that Americans don't believe anything; they
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Sure, a tolerance based on ignorance is more peaceful than a bigotry based on ignorance, but it's a damn fragile peace. All you have to do with someone who doesn't know about other religions is convince them that, say, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an accurate depiction of reality, and goodbye to your easy tolerance.
she asks is why would anyone limit God that much?
Hmm? Gallup's comment was about a straight contradiction in beliefs, not about which of those beliefs might be true. Even though the Ground of All Being may be all-powerful, He/She/It still isn't going to violate the law of non-contradiction.
What I won't tolerate OTOH is dogma. "I have to kill you because my religiion says so."
Actually, "dogma" originally just meant "teaching." Me, I think education is a good thing--as long as the teachers don't condemn or ridicule you for looking to other sources of information, which is a situation that's occurred far too often in human history.
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