May 03, 2005 18:26
so theres 5 of us, one was me, i know 1 was mark warger. and others. and we where all whales. inside of this uber new "echo the dolphin" game that was on a website.....though it was virtual relaity. and good 2.
so us 5 whales are wiming at night towards this landmass.... and one of us is asking how do we fire the missiles. as none of us really understood the means to the game. i found out that the game was based on money, the more money u acumilated, makes u the winner... and the way to get money was somewhat like real life. you need either the real stuff or stuff of value... so i found that these whales could bite another whale and draged them to the bottom of the ocean. in wich the other whale would then turn to a pink circle.. and then into jewlrey... giving you some credits.
once we reached land. back to human form we became. but the stragerty remained. get stuff that could be exhanged for money. so us 5 of us roamed around t houg this delapertaded old town full of old men and zombies stealing purses and jewlery to get money.... so far so "normal". as we walked around the catacombs of these old villages that now seemed to be bomed out from the invading nazi's things got twisted. we walked into this huge old hotel where on the 2nd level i saw "madeline" that little orphan girl who used to sing alot. i busted into her room to ramble through her vaulables... when she padlocked the door behind me.. by the way she had incontience and was peeing herself.. "i told u things got twisted". she told me it was to keep that evil nun lady from getting her. at this time i was steeling her necklace. the other 4 i was with soon became 6, as "Seth green" the guy out of buffy and the italian job joined us, as well as some chick. anyway the nun got through the padlocked door and i sliped by her... leaving madeline for dead really. i met up with ther others in the hall way wich was now a good kilometer long with hundreds of doors. this old toothless janitor told 4 of us to come w ith him and he will show them where heaps of money was... so those 4 whent into a door. wich lead to that never ending staircase picture.. and they bacame traped. so it was just me, seth, and that chick left. things started getting crazy when zombies and dead people started apearinmg so we turning and ran along this long. slight incline hallway. meanwhile i smashed in the head of a ghost of a nanny.. the same nanny out of the g host busters.. with a gold club. we got outside when things got worse. buildings where fallign down i found the school corridor all burnt out with bodies in it. set ran one way and told the chick to climb that ladder to the roof of s ome old pub where the last helicoper was. and as i ran further from the helicoper the screen whent dark with "made by CSROCKSTA... AND THEN "i hope you enj......"
and then i woke up
.......and that was my dream
spooky aye