So... Selwyn adopted the stuffed G.I.R. sometime back in August, when he was still a reasonably tiny kitten. It was kind of hilarious to watch him drag this giant stuffed beast around in his teeth, by one hand. A few months later, G.I.R.'s hands have been chewed off (and mostly not eaten), and Selwyn has much less trouble dragging him around the house - now by his "wrists" or legs. Right after I took
Selwyn tried to pull G.I.R. up onto the stack of boxes behind him. I assume this was an attempt to get him up onto the counter. That failed, so he dragged G.I.R. over to the threshold of the office door and stared at me.
He also sleeps at my feet, and doesn't seem to know how to meow beyond an occasional "mrrrp". Fortunately, he doesn't bark, either...
(Please excuse the stack of boxes... Living with a writer means there are always boxes of books coming in, it seems...)