a massive post of randomness

Jan 03, 2008 21:07


I just got around to watching the beeb's new version of Sense and Sensibility that I recorded the other day. Er... 'sexed up' is something of an understatement! lol. The opening scene actually rather shocked me. Anyhoo, even though I'd be thoroughly surprised if the peep on my f-list hadn't read the book, I'm going to put the rest of this behind a

+ the little girl that they have playing Margaret Dashwood screams 'Rose Weasley' at me.
+ I'm fairly sure that the location they used for Norland is the same one that they used for Bingley's place in the beebs version of Pride and Prejudice - it certainly looks the same from the outside, and the breakfast room looked like the drawing room. It's definitely been used in one version of Pride and Prejudice.
+ Willoughby actually looks evil! He's also not exactly very cute. Well, not in my opinion anyway. I liked the way that Mrs Dashwood accidentally hid him from view when Colonel Brandon came to visit Marianne at the end. I nearly chucked the remote at the television.
+ The scene where he brings Marianne wild strawberries reminded me of a Draco/Ginny fic I once read but I can't remember which one.
+ Edward was a bit too... polished for my liking. I like Hugh Grant's slightly bumbling Edward. The bloke who is playing him in this version is seriously fit though.
+ The actress playing Eleanor seems a bit like a non-entity. She just doesn't have the impact that I expect from her. I suppose there is still plenty of time, but they seem to be concentrating a bit more on Marianne this time around.

I'm really looking forward to two things coming up on the beeb - Lark Rise to Candleford and the new season of Torchwood.

In Lark Rise to Candleford, the actress playing the lead role is someone that I've always pictured as Ginny. Her name is Olivia Hallinan. That aside, I'm a bit of a fan of hers.

Torchwood looks like it's going to be very exciting. I'm just salivating at the prospect at seeing James Marsters on television again - or should I say looking hot on television again. I always fancied him on BtVS but I didn't think he was very attractive in Smallville. He looks yummy on the trailers I've seen for Torchwood, though. I think it's the military jacket that does it. *flails*

There was actual snow on Thursday! I woke up to find it dusting the rooftops. It lasted about half the day but it wasn't heavy enough to leave a lasting impression. It was all very pretty while it lasted, though, and it has probably done the land some good. Despite the terrible flooding that we had in Yorkshire this year, a lot of it didn't touch the agricultural areas and the water table must be pretty low at the moment. We could do with some rain. Ye gods I'm a geek sometimes.

What else? The Leeds manager, Dennis Wise, chased a bunch of kids who attempted to vandalise his car by throwing stones at it. He nearly caught them as well, lol. Very funny. If Dennis Wise was chasing me then I'd run like hell. He may be short, but the only manager in English football that is scarier when he's angry is the guy at Sunderland, Keane. The police got involved apparently. I hope that he doesn't get done or anything - not only because it will be more bad publicity for Leeds but because kids get away with everything nowadays. I think I'm getting old before my time.

Oh, and finally, I've left this post unlocked even though it's mainly personal because of the following... I know most of you probably already know about this but I figure a couple of you might have missed it: the next round of the dgficexchange fic and art exchange has been announced. I'm really looking forwards it to. *nudges writers*

And finally finally, what's with all the D/Hr icons being posted at comms? I'm fed up of looking at them. I know some people on my f-list like the pairing so I'd just like to point out that I'm not bashing it or the people who 'ship it. Its just my uber-ick pairing and I'm getting a little tired of seeing icons of it.

[ random ] links, [ rl ] celebs, tv, [ random ] general, writing, [ rl ] general, [ sport ] football, [ sport ] leeds

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