The writing was interesting, but all I feel like talking about right this moment is THAT ART. My favorite artist AND my favorite colorist of IDW were both on this one.
I decided to crop a bunch of 100x100 squares for fun. Aka kinda icons (bases?). Feel free to take them, don't bother with crediting (cropping comics isn't art after all.)
I wanna hear opinions on this issue! What did you all think? There was a lot of dialogue and flitting between time periods. Interesting, that first meeting between the two most important characters. They almost seem like they could have been friends, if they'd gotten to know each other under different circumstances. That's actually one of my favorite types of hero-villain relationships--when you can tell they have a lot in common in some ways, and would really just be buds without the tragic difference getting in the way.
The issue lost me a bit on Megatron's thought patterns in the past, though. Was this the first time he'd ever faced injustice? I see what the writer was attempting--but I feel (and shiome said the same and I agree with her) like he gave up on his point of view way too quickly. I don't know if this was supposed to be just the first tiny step, since it's not until Megatron: Origins that he really does anything violent, but you'd think he'd try harder to take the pacifistic route instead of just throwing out his essay. I think the scene with Optimus being nice to him was poorly placed for the meaning they were trying to go for. It muddled the impact of him facing injustice, because he IS shown justice right afterwards by OP. And yeah, that wouldn't totally erase his bitterness, but you can tell it counted for something if he still remembered it 4 million years later (as long as the name of the town is said correctly).