OK, I'm bowing to peer pressure, curiosity, and my deeply-seated geekiness and finally trying out this LJ thang. Of course, the examples of wit and creativity that are rampant in this corner of the net are enough to intimidate the heck out of anyone. But what the hey. I'm hovering on the edge of a fine, feisty crone-hood (if I have anything to do
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Whoo hoo! Welcome to LiveJournal!
Sorry you haven't gotten your shirt yet. *shame* I'm working on it, promise. I just seem to be having trouble getting them printed and sent out. *eyes j0an and Tracy* So sorry.
Listing you as a friend and whatnot...
...so you can access all my good stories.
And thanks for listing me as friend. "Good" stories. Somehow that's very frightening. But in a good way. I think.
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