How does this sound, sirs?

May 20, 2003 14:56

Veryveryvery tentative schedule of eventisms -

Thursday evening: Connie and Noah arrive. Joy ensues. Meet, great, eat depending on energy level of guests.

Friday daytime: Diana has the day off!!! Hang out, drive down the shore, etc. working around a couple of errands and stuff. Friday evening: If weather forecast for Sunday pitiful, BBQ at Casa Del Boss Newf; if not, Pizza Beer Rock and Bowl?

Saturday daytime: Whatever folks would like to do - Diana and Connie may sneak off for Ladies Special Bruncheon. Admiral John's MiniGolf is open if we really want to get silly.
Saturday evening: Supper? Downtown George Street exploration - jazz night at Grafenbergs. Sleeeeeep.

Sunday daytime: WFWLTD, part deux. Maybe visit the new Johnson GeoCentre? (Rocks on the Rock)
Sunday evening: BBQ at da Boss Newf's (unless we moved it to Friday) or bowling (if we did)...

Monday morning: Connie and Noah have to bid fond farewell. Mnay boo-hoos. Start planning for ECMA weekend.

Feel free to add, change, make exclamations of disgust and shock, etc.

Diana, the Hostess Acolyte
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