I finished 100 words last month, and after I did I looked at all my previous batches and I didn't realize that it'd been about a year since I'd last completed a batch on there! Holy shit, where does time go?
Yesterday I missed class and work because I felt super ill to my stomach. It may have been because on Tuesday night I had some chilaquiles for dinner and it was super spicy and it was not the kind of food you'd usually eat a few hours before bed. Oh and also I had like two big drinks with Scott in my room while we watched It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. But anyhow, we went to bed at around twoish I think, and I ended up sleeping in until nearly 1 p.m. Well, I woke up a 8 a.m. for a bit and attempted to get dressed and ready for class but then felt like puking so just decided to go back to sleep. It felt damn good. Although most days I hate the lack of sunlight in this room, it does have it perks sometimes, since I am able to sleep in late without being painfully aware of how late it is.
Lately I've been feeling a little down. About nothing in particular, really, just...everything. I don't know if it's the fact that I've been on my period or the stress from school or what, but I've just been getting frustrated and depressed really easy about even minor things. I think I am beginning to wear out the people around me, by which I mean mostly Scott and even myself, really, so I am making a conscious effort to try not to get so frustrated or get so sad about things and/or show that sadness, but it's hard sometimes. Bah. This shall pass.
The weather seems to be getting a bit better....which hopefully means that I will take out the camera more often! It's a real bitch when it's cold outside and I''m wearing gloves and I'm wearing this big coat and blah blah blah. Call me lazy or whatever, but I hate it.
Oh yea, my grandpa's in town! Well, not here in Chicago, but back in Texas. He came for his meeting to renew his residency or whatever, so he's been in El Paso with my mom for the past week. Here's a picture my aunt sent me:
Really, he's the cutest and sharpest old man I know. He's 83 years old and still sharp as a tac. Possibly even sharper. Ma' said he wanted to sign over the house in Mexico to her, but she convinced him to divide the rights to her and two of her sisters, his only three children who don't already own a house there.
Okay, I saved the geek talk for last:
Last weekend I did my first 25-man Naxx in WoW, and today I did my first heroic dungeon. We didn't really finish the 25-man Naxx but I think we got through like three bosses I think. It was sort of stressful both times though. As much as I enjoy the game, it kind of sucks to realize that I'm just not really good at it. At least my character (Artist) is looking much better in terms of gear. Here is my armory:
Artist Armory (Gear). I know this is all boring geek-talk to some people but I don't really care. Most of my gear is blue or purple now, except for I think my trinkets which are still green (green is OK, blue is good, purple is best).