Yuletide Double Squee!

Dec 19, 2010 00:05

I've been trying to become more involved with fandom as a whole (I wrote a couple of pinch hits for holmestice),. The bunnies decided that it was time to go hide under the furniture (at least they didn't chew the cord off the freezer); their creativity will show up when I least want or need it. However, after sufficient bribery (and rescuing their carrots from my son's room, about which huh?!), they allowed the idea to form. I spent Wednesday (my last day off for the year, except the actual holidays), when I wasn't in Ninja!Parent mode, writing and finishing up the story. Then my lovely betas read it (and brought out the red pens.) So, it's up and all I have to worry about now is the last Christmas gift, all the wrapping, decorating and cleaning that needs to be done. Piece of cake.

And the icing on that cake is that, when I went into my AO3 account to post my story, my writer has apparently finished my gift and posted it. Yayyy! (Obviously we were on the same frequency.

May all the writers in this holiday season find that their pens remain powerful and their words remain plentiful and beautiful. And may all of the gifts be just right and given and received in the spirit intended.

Bright Yule!

holmestice, yuletide, writing, plot bunnies

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