Monday, July 30, 2018

Mar 16, 2009 21:42

See introductory post here for explanations.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Matt checked his backpack for what felt like the millionth time. He wasn't sure how far away Hogwarts was-he wasn't even sure he could find Hogwarts-and he had no idea what he should be bringing, but he was bringing everything he could think of that mattered. He had enough clothes for seven days, his Bible, all the cash he had and, buried at the bottom, his favorite stuffed bear. He would have liked to bring some food, but his mother would be sure to catch him if he tried that. He took a deep breath and let it out in a woosh as he looked at his last hope.

Dear Matt,

I don't know what you're trying to do. I guess this is looking for negative attention if you can't get positive, or whatever your mother's always quoting at me, but I can't believe your mother isn't feeding you right. She's positively obsessive about your health. So write to me about what this is really about, okay, sport?

I can't override your mother about the school-thing. That bastard judge decided that she got full custody and she certainly won't listen to anything I have to say. I wouldn't worry about it too much; I've never heard of this Hogwarts, so it's not like it's some great school.

I'm not going to be able to see you until September. My job's sending me out of the country and, well, there's some personal stuff going on as well. I hope to have some good news for you soon; maybe you won't be an only for too much longer.

Take it easy, be good for your mum, and remember, you'll always be my son.


Matt shook his head. It looked like he'd have to rescue himself. As he snuck out the front door, easing it closed as quietly as he could manage, he thought about the note he'd left his mother, hoping she wouldn't be too upset.

Dear Mum,

I'm sorry. I guess I'm evil after all. I just can't do this any more. I'm going to Hogwarts to see if they'll still let me come.

Tell Dad

I don't want to hurt you. Please be happy and say a prayer for me.




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