See introductory post
here for explanations.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Dear Mrs. Dursley,
After our discussion of yesterday, I did some research on the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, which went into effect in 1692, and I've attached a copy of it for reading 'pleasure'. Good luck with that.
In general, the Statute was laid down in 1692 to protect and hide wizards from Muggles. You may or may not be aware of it, but at that point in history, wizards were burned. I haven't heard of any burnings, but none of us are too confident that that means they've stopped permanently. (It doesn't appear to be very common, since no Muggle or Muggleborn I have spoken with has ever heard of a contemporary example.)
Today, the Ministry generally tells those who ask that the Statute is in place so that Muggles don't come to us asking for magic to solve every little thing. Personally, I believe that the Ministry is simply preventing panic in our population.
Although you are asked to not mention magic to anyone who isn't a wizard or closely related to one, I have never heard of, or have found any examples, of anyone being prosecuted for simply telling someone they shouldn't. Every example I have found of the Statute's enforcement has been when magic has been performed or magical beasts have been witnessed.
Finally, the wizarding world places the highest emphasis on the sanctity of the family. You most certainly have the legal and moral right to tell your family what you wish, with the full protection of the law behind you.
Enjoy your family get-together and let me know if any questions come up.
Sincerely yours,
Draco Malfoy
Hogwarts Muggleborn Family Liaison