(no subject)

Jun 12, 2007 00:58

So here I sit at 1 am in the SDO office on my 24 hour post. The officer that I'm with is currently getting some sleep as I sit here and type this. He's been on the computer all night so this is my first chance to actually get on here. I'm on my third movie of the night. So far I watched Blood Diamond, which I hadn't seen before. I actually really liked it, although I figured I would. After that I viewed American Psycho. That movie is sooooo messed up and I love it. Christian Bale is such a badass in that movie. As I sit here and type this, I am currently watching The Departed, which is yet another fantastic movie. It seems as though I am on a good movie watching streak.

Other than that, not too much to report on really. Things are the same as always down here in North Carolina.

It sucks cuz I still end up having to go to work tomorrow. I don't have to be in until 4, but I've been up since like 615 this morning, so it's shaping up to be a long day in which I will probably require a fair amount of sleep. Hopefully I can get a little bit in tomorrow morning, but we'll see. It's gonna throw off my sleep schedule once again, as if the 12 on 12 off didn't mess it up enough already. Oh well, I'm just going to look at that as preparing me for this damn post, so I guess it was a blessing. Actually no, on second thought, it wasn't. Just trying to stay positive.

My new shift that I'm on is so much better than working during the day with most everyone else. There's only two other people that I work with, as opposed to like 15 and the stress level has gone down considerably. So for that I am thankful. It's a much needed break.

I gotta get back into the whole working out thing. I've started but stupid shit keeps coming up and is preventing me from getting on a regular schedule. I want to drop about 30 pounds, so pray that I can get on that and keep up with it.

OK, well I doubt anyone actually read this whole post about me just rambling about work. Don't really care. This was more just an outlet for me to kinda vent. Hope all is well with you kiddies. Goodbye for now.
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