Big Damn Hero of the Working Class Variety

Feb 19, 2010 19:41

So I got the job which means I join the ranks of the working class heroes again on Monday.

Things I am looking forward to:

- Customizing my computer/work space
- Money

Things I am not looking forward to:

- Waking up
- Wearing outfits that don't consist of t-shirts and jeans everyday

Up For Debate:

- Potential for Egg McMuffins and Iced Coffees in the morning; but implies waking up that extra ten minutes to do so...

More seriously, I hope the position I'm taking turns out to be a good one. I'm not asking for a lot, I just want a stable job with intelligent/professional people (meaning not bat-shit insane like my last few bosses have been). This sounds like it will be that. I will basically be the front-desk-charming-person to answer phones and greet people and all that, as well as the technical editor for the company, which as it turns out, is actually a pretty cool research facility that does experiments and development for people like, oh, NASA, or say, the British Navy.

Extra perk: I may well need to get security clearance for certain projects, and apparently because the place is mostly a lab, I'll be getting some regular fire training as well.

Also, assuming all works out and the first few days seem promising, I cannot WAIT to get rid of all the stupid job site bookmarks and such that I've been bashing my head against for the past few years...


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