Ancient culture

Sep 19, 2006 09:46

You all are constantly crying on Great, peaceful Muslim culture - especially on the Iranian one. You are the same constantly repeating that it was that great and ancient, that these people must be allowed anything....
Well, was not the Italian culture great too? for centuries the very Italian masters determined the trends of both music and other arts, painting, sculpture and so on. Saying nothing on the Christian religious life of Europe.
So that culture was great without any doubts.
A lot of Italians took part in emigration to the USA. No wonder they formed close tight societies in Bronx and other spots of American Cities. A lot of them were combatants from the poorest Italian district - Sicily. They had certain traditions, they were close related and hence soon they got «regulating» the American business life. Their had formed MAFIA, Cosa Nostra.
Would you like to live that time and to obey them? State bodies spent dozens years fighting with their influence. Nobody was even one word recalling the great Italian Culture as well as ancient folk rural tradition (Sicily was the rural area - to remind you a hint) - just as you are doing now with Iran.
And THEY were part of European culture too! So how would you regard their methods?
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