Another one!? Sheesh

Dec 17, 2005 09:46

About You (i'm skipping all the "where were you born" crap)

What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: dad's in Chicago, mom is here in Tualatin. They're split. Jessica is my sister who is married to Luke and I just happen to live in the same house as them in P-town
Any Pets?: My sister has 1 crazy cat named Dogberry (Named after the character in Much Ado About Nothing because her mama was found pregnant while a friend was putting on that play at the highschool)
Favorite Relative?: Hmm... Homer, my moms dad, but he's dead :(. Living: Phillip and Nathan are pals from the beginning. I've grown rather fond of grandpa Harry over the last few years as well.
Least Favorite Relative?: Don't have one.
What's Your Heritage/Race?: I think Welsh and English... with some Irish, scottish and crap. 100% european haritage.
Political Affilation?: Independant. Hate politics and both sides (there ARE only two that matter you know) are too full of shit.

Love & Sex
Sexuality?: straight
Are You In A Relationship Now?: nope
If So, With Whom?: My computer
For How Long?: I built it 2 years ago... it's almost time to move on.
Are You In Love?: lol, no. It's just a computer
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: who doesn't?
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: never
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: REAL kiss? 16 I think...
Virgin?: nope
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: 22
Was It Enjoyable?: Better than masterbation
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: There's this mall in Vancouver, BC... I think that's the farthest 'what' I've been
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: yes
Best Love Quote?: never thought about it... it would probably end up being a song

Your Friends
Best?: Don't really cassify my friends like that...
How Many Do You Have?: The world is my friend... and I can't count that high
More Guys Or Girls?: I typically make friends with girls quicker than guys
Love Them All?: sure...
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: yer mom...
Oldest?: Jason C. I've known him since kindergarden and I may be moving in with him.
Newest?: Caitlin
Friends And Words: Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries

This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: briefs... thinking about switching when I have money
Thongs or G-Strings?: meh
Shorts or Pants?: whatever works for that day
Shoes or Barefeet?: Shoes
Books or Movies?: depends on how much time I have... but books are 99% of the time WAY better than the movie.
Night or Day?: meh, any time is a good time to party
Dark or Light?: meh again
Mountains or Beach?: mountains are way cool
Snow or Sun?: SUN... me and snow don't have a good track record
Pepsi or Coke: Mt. Dew if any at all
Guys or Girls?: I'm straight... you already asked this question so girls drrr!
Swim or Surf?: swim. in a natural body of water. Swimming pools are teh suck.

For or Against
Gay Marriage?: for/meh
Abortion?: for/meh
Bush Getting Re-elected?: no thanks
Suicide?: against
War?: not really a yes or no answer. But almost always I'll say no.
Pants?: ... yer dumb
Penises?: no plerl... I'm happy with just mine thanks.

Color?: black/yellow/orange just because they're a-typical
Number?: 144?
Holiday?: Thanksgiving
Season?: Summer
Movie?: toss up between LOTR and Narnia. OMG Narnia was cool
Book?: err... can't say... it depends on my mood
Magazine?: yer mom on crack
Food?: yes
Drink?: water...
TV Show?: Mythbusters or Top Gear
Song?: the ones in my head
Band?: ...too many
Shirt?: I'm fond of plain black shirts with jeans...
Pants?: jeans are teh cool
Actor?: The ones in good movies... actually Cristian Bale has been consistantly good... Batman, Equilibrium, Newsies
Actress?: That's harder to say... it's hard to distinguish good acting from just being attractive.
Singer?: ME!
Flower?: pretty ones
Scent?: nice ones
Animal?: Dogs rule. I like cats too, but dogs make me happy because they're always happy to see you.

The Future
Want To Go To College?: I may go back
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: I've always wanted to invent stuff
Want To Get Married?: yeah
Want To Have Kids?: I've been looking forward to having a kid for a long while
What Would Their Names Be?: The wife would have input on this, of course.
How Many?: 2, 4 tops... four is even pushing it...
Where Do You Want To Live?: Meh, where ever I can work on my life goal of designing and building my own house.
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: outside
How Do You Want To Die?: of old age/when it's time

More Stuff About You
Piercings?: Nope
Tattoos?: I've thought about it
Smoke?: never
Drink?: socially
Do Drugs?: never
Skinny Dip?: not yet...
Greatest Fear?: letting people down
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
Go To Church?: once or twice a year... not for the right reason tho
Religion?: Agnostic describes my stance on whether there's a deity, but everyone has a lean and my lean is for a God. Regardless I don't think it's as important as everyone makes it out to be. You shouldn't need to be tempted by a reward(heaven) or threatened by a punishment(hell) to be a good person. I think its more important to live in the preasent than to worry about what will happen when you or your friends die.
Scars?: yeah
CDs Owned?: not sure
Collections?: nope
Like To Be Naked?: while bathing... I'm not shy of my body if that's what you mean.
Ever Eaten Sushi?: yum, and why is this RIGHT after the naked question?
Been On Stage?: a few times
Danced In The Rain?: heh, yeah
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: never
Weirdest Dream?: I've had a few...
Best Dream?: don't remember
Saddest Dream?: don't remember
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: no more dream questions please, lame
Think You're Attractive?: sometimes
Shoplifted?: I think I may have, but not on purpose
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: maybe
Weirdest Makeout Place?: car
Like Thunderstorms?: Medford has some good ones
Favorite Song Lyric?: psh, no
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: Live.
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