
Nov 08, 2009 22:19

Cross posted from WoW-ladies


1. a punishment undergone in token of penitence for sin.

Most of the time, I love to PVP on my disc priest. Keeping up multiple allies with Penance and Power Word: Shield while I dot and smite rogues to death is an adrenaline rush that can't be found elsewhere in the game. The disc priest hits almost as hard as she heals, and really rewards a player with quick reflexes.

There are other days though when PVPing in battlegrounds as a healer feels like I must be being punished for doing something awful in a past life. Really, truly awful. Kicking kittens awful.

While I often recieve a lot of positive feedback for healing my allies, I also come in for more than my fair share of abuse. In my battlegroup at least, we seem to have an endemic problem of not caring for our healers. There's nothing more frustrating than trying to cross the middle of Warsong Gulch to get through to our flag carrier for the fifth time, just to be taken out again by a pair of rogues while the rest of our team rides past without helping, complaining bitterly amongst themselves about the lack of heals in battlegrounds.

I can't heal you if I'm dead.

It's pretty upsetting being yelled at for not managing to heal people in time, or being treated as a buff machine. Healers are targeted in force by the opposing faction as killing us is generally considered good strategy. If players do what they can to help protect their healers, we all benefit. I'm capable of turning one death knight into a killing machine who can mow down dozens - who wouldn't want to make sure I survived to do this?!

If you battleground, please, notice who your healers are and try to keep an eye on them. Sometimes healers are jerks too, don't get me wrong - but in general if you help them stay alive you'll be rewarded with buffs and heals, and a feeling that we're all working together. A pair of healers, well protected, can make a group unstoppable.

This probably makes it sound like I don't enjoy PVPing as a healer, which is far from the case. Rude players are the exception and I generally get a lot of positive feedback when playing my priest. I've had days when mages I've fought with before trade me water as a gift without my asking for it, and where riding into battle is accompanied by cheers of 'Nice heals!' and 'Yay, Cir!'

Admittedly, it would probably be bad for my ego for that to be every day. All that praise can go straight to a girl's head. I'm sure there has to be a middle ground though, where we can work together. For a better world.

Littered with the corpses of our enemies, for me to dance on.
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